LPC-110 型激光尘埃粒子计数器用于测量洁净环境中单位体积空气内的尘埃粒子大小及数目,最小粒径档 0.1μm,流量为 28.3L/min。可直接检测洁净度 等级为三十万级至十级的洁净环境。本产品可广泛应用于电子、光学、化学、食
This portable particle counter supports a complete contamination control solution including clean area monitoring while meeting global requirements for environmental monitoring and data integrity. It has eight channels, and the smallest particle can be detected is 0.1µm. Designed for intuitive and reliable particle counting in the air of clean room. It meets international cleanroom certification standards including ISO 14644-1. It can be widely used in semiconductor manufacturing processes, optics, chemistry, food, cosmetics, medicine and health, biological products, aerospace and other areas.
型号 Model | LPC-S101 | LPC-S110 |
流量 Flow | 2.83L/min | 28.3L/min |
粒径范围 Particle Size Range | 0.1μm~5μm | |
粒径通道 PM Ranges | 0.1μm、0.15μm、0.2μm、0.25μm、0.3μm、0.5μm、 1.0μm、5.0μm八个通道 | |
计数效率 counting Efficiency | 50士20%@0.1um;90%士10%@>0.15μm | |
示值误差 Indication Error | 50±20%FS | |
浓度上限 Maximum Concentration1 | 35000颗/L | |
自净时间 Zero Count Level | ≤10min | |
激光光源 Laser Classification | 长寿命半导体激光光源 | |
显示 Display | 7英寸彩色触摸屏界面 | |
通讯方式 Communication | RS232 | |
数据储存 Data Storage | 至少100000组数据记录 | |
真空 Vacuum | 内置泵,内部自动流速控制 | |
电源 Power Supply | 锂电池续航时间约5h(适配器接220V交流) | |
外壳 Housing Material | 不锈钢 | |
工作环境 Operating Environment | 温度5℃~40℃,湿度0~98%(不结露) | |
尺寸 Dimensions | 200mm(宽)×180mm(高)×160mm(深)(不计气 嘴、把手等附件) | 250mm(宽)×215mm(高)×220mm(深)(不计气 嘴、把手等附件) |